ClipMate for Windows version 1.5 (8/6/92) Registration Agreement for Personal Use License Agreement: This license gives the user the right to install and use one copy of ClipMate for Windows. If the user of a registered copy of ClipMate is the PRIMARY USER of more than one machine (for example, one at work, one at home, and a laptop), a single license will cover all machines that are USED PRIMARILY by the registered user. Users of ClipMate must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "ClipMate is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of ClipMate ." Service will be guaranteed for a period of at least 90 days of the date of registration. Support will be provided by U.S. Mail, or by electronic mail in CompuServe. BONUS!!! All users that register after 3/07/92 will receive the MDIBALL.EXE and PALDEMO.EXE programs at no additional charge. See BONUS in the on-line help. ------------------------------------------------------------ IF YOU'RE HAND-WRITING THIS SECTION, PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. Please fill out all that apply: Name: Address: : : Phone: Compuserve: Diskette Size (3.5" is default): Signature:______________________________________________ Please attach a check or money order for $25.00 (U.S.) Shipping and Handling is free in U.S. and Canada. (Overseas locations please add $2.00) and mail to: Thornton Software Solutions PO Box 26263 Rochester, NY 14626 Make check payable to: Chris Thornton Please note that volume discounts, site licenses, and bundling prices can be obtained by contacting the author directly. -------------------------------------------------------------- USER SURVEY While I have your attention, please answer the following survey. This will help me to determine future enhancements to ClipMate, and to track the distribution of ClipMate. If you need more room, just add more lines. You should note that many new features that are found in version 1.5 are a result of feedback from registered users. Examples are Print capability, and re-design of the GLUE function. This is YOUR chance to particpate in the development process. 1) Where did you get ClipMate? (ex: CompuServe WINADV Forum) 2) Do you ever use the Safe List? 3) Do you find the Brief View to be limiting? 4a) If it was available, would you use Graphics capability? 4b) How would you expect the GLUE function to be implemented for graphic data? 5) What are your two favorite features? a b 6) What are your two least favorite features? a b 7) Have you ever registred a Shareware Program before? If so, how many? (enter 0 if none)? 8) What features would you like to add to ClipMate? 9) Had you looked at previous versions of ClipMate? If so, what about this new release prompted you to register? 10) Any general comments? Thank you for your input!